
over the rainbow;

HEH speaking of rainbows,
i just checked the previous chat logs anddd hmm not good.

But anyway,
good thing exams are over.
but not that good when it means that I have more time to worry about some other things.
Alex help me unwind please.
& can't wait for this sat.

Contemplating between VANS and Pointers.
But Pointers cost a bomb siao.

Anyway gdluck to my besties who are still sitting for exams.
And Din hope first day in camp's goooood.
And mimi gdluck for interview at Shari-La.
& The rest seeyou this sat.
& Fibs monday.
& Mira time to get slumberr no patients already!
& dear you you i dont like it when i i am beginning to miss you yes miss you haish.
& adel I think my jaw tissues are thinning and i can;t chew properly must be all the LAUGHING ~AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND.